Changing mindsets is not easy matter. Included in the affairs of weight. To get a form of proportional body, identify how the mindset can affect your business get the dream body. For example, with regard to the concept of reduced-fat (fat loss) or weight loss (weight loss) as described dr Phaidon L. Toruan, lifestyle fitness expert, in his book Fat Loss, Not Weight Loss:
1. Weight reduction
Fat Loss: Focus on weight reduction of fat in human body composition.
Weight Loss: A focus on weight reduction of muscles, bones, and organs, on body composition. This concept tends fixated on the concept of weight reduction with the main focus of reducing food intake. You do this by trying all the methods of anchoring hungry. Weight loss will indeed go down, but not for long. The body will get fat again.
2. Diet
Fat Loss: Focus on reducing the potential for accumulation of fat, so the way is by adjusting the diet. This concept ensures the body is in a constant fat burning zone, with the sport.
Weight Loss: It teaches us to eat less, rather than teach the completeness of nutrients. Weight loss also rely more on medication rather than lifestyle changes. Consumers will be made dependent on drugs and treatments that must be endured.
3. Lifestyle
Fat Loss: Focus on lifestyle changes for successful fat reduction program. The way to change behavior and mindset. This concept has an important role to determine whether the program could succeed or not.
Weight Loss: Not to teach lifestyle changes. Though changing the pattern of life through various practical and technical references would make the brain have focused on healthy living, changing the wrong perceptions about diet, exercise, and the desire to continue to eat well.
4. Knowledge about obesity
Fat loss: The focus on knowledge and awareness of the occurrence of obesity. Namely excess sugary foods, not exercising, genetics, aging, and environmental chemicals as well as combinations of these various factors. By being aware of what causes obesity, so anyone is able to resist the formation of fat-conscious.
Weight loss: Not concerned with factors that cause obesity, but how to restrain your appetite by using the tools, including drugs.