Do not just on a diet, weight loss could be even higher up, or exposed to disease. The key to proper diet is a healthy and long-term effect.
Deciding on a diet to lose weight (BW) should not rush. "You have to know first, true baseball, our excess weight," explains Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MS, SpGK from Semanggi Specialist Clinic, Jakarta. Parameters commonly used is to measure the body mass index (BMI). Asians are different from normal BMI with a BMI of Europeans.
According Fiastuti, the Europeans have a limit of 25 overweight and obese limit 30. Above 25 are called overweight, more than 30 so-called obesity. While Asians, 23 are called overweight, 25 obese. Lower limit of 18.5. Thus, a normal BMI of Asians was 18.5 - 23. "This should be a benchmark first, if IMT was between 18-5 - 23, yes baseball needs nurunin BB. BB is also even less risk of disease."
The second parameter is used, further Fiastuti, is the waist size. Normal female waist size is less than 80 cm, while the men less than 90 cm. "Although the BMI is normal, but if the waist circumference of more than 80, then he should lower his BB, because it increases the risk of getting diseases," explains Fiastuti while continuing, BMI and waist circumference is the easiest parameter. "Everyone can measure themselves."
So, should not by aesthetic parameters of BB, but the cut off point of a disease. "Asians, with a BMI of 23 alone, the disease has all sorts. Blood sugar rises, high cholesterol, blood pressure rises. Especially if taken 25, might go undetected."
If it turns out the parameters indicate BB had a surplus, what to do? "There are only 2 lose weight the healthy way. The first is diet, mean intake (intake) calorie intake is not excessive or contrived deficit," said Fiastuti. The second is the physical ativitas. "If physical activity increases, the energy demand will be high, while intake of calories in a bit, finally arise calorie deficit too."
In addition to BMI and waist circumference, there are other measuring instruments, namely body fat analyzer (BFA) to measure body fat composition. "The composition of normal body fat in women ranges from 22-27 percent, depending on age. The older age, more and more of his fat percentage. Ideally, anyway, it measured her body fat percentage or composition, since the goal should be to lose weight lose body fat. Only alone, BFA need special tools. "
Fiastuti continued, the size of the circumference pingang actually has quite a parameter. "The size of the waist is more than normal amount of fat accumulated describe in the abdominal area. Abdominal fat is quite dangerous, because he was near the internal organs like the liver and intestine, so that excess fat is not a passive tool to store excess energy, tetentu it secretes hormones that can affect all of that. "
That is why, people who have a waist circumference greater than normal risk for more diseases. "The hormones released by fat cells can affect many things, including people become resistant to insulin. These cells do not react with the body which issued its own insulin. As a result, blood sugar so high, sometimes down suddenly."
The drugs are often also required. But, if the BMI was 23, no comorbidities, normal blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol was also normal, no need to use drugs first. His diet enough to manage your diet and increasing physical activity, with sports and other physical activities, such as car washing, house cleaning, raking leaves, and so on.
In contrast, if someone overweight and no risk factors, including blood pressure over 185/35, HDL cholesterol is lower than normal, fasting blood sugar more than normal, medication can be given. "So there is the step-step it when drugs can be used, unless already obese. That risk increases."