Diet is still the word 'magic' to create a stable weight. Here are tips on proper diet are of concern.
1. Eat a meal before attending. Eat hard-boiled eggs, apples and drink tea or diet soda before going to the reception. This will help put the brakes on your appetite at the party.
2. Do not "make" yourself fat by always "meet" demand stomach. You can easily eat 600 calories pastries and cereal without you knowing it.
3. Bring a hamper lunch to the office. If you can not eat lunch outside. This will help prevent you over lunch.
4. Eat more soup. Soup without cream is usually pretty low in calories and make full.
5. Try to eat low-calorie menu first before eating the other menus. Start with salads, vegetables, and soup broth, then the meat in the final sequence. At the turn to the meat, the stomach is full enough for high-calorie menu.
6. Do not use a dinner plate. Use a salad plate every time you eat lunch or dinner.
7. Make sure that the half-portion lunch and your dinner is vegetables and fruits.
8. Start the day with a breakfast menu and the portions are adequate. This will help reduce your calorie intake throughout the rest of the day.
9. Make eat as an activity that has a purpose, namely to live healthy. Enjoy the food into the mouth, into the digestive tract. Make sure that the food will provide nutrients for your body.
10. Add one serving of fruits or vegetables on your menu. If it is used, add one more daily servings to 8 servings
11. Exercise. Make it as an activity that can not be compromised again.
11. Exercise. Make it as an activity that can not be compromised again.
12. Berarobik with favorite music can be a fun activity. Invite families to join the move. Initially perhaps somewhat strange to hear it. But once you start, you might forget to stop.
13. Try 2 weeks without any sugar. It feels wonderful to know your appetite which usually can not keep gradually disappear.
14. Eating pagilah, also lunch and dinner. Most of them are struggling to avoid the hobby in the middle of the night are those who eat irregularly or eating unbalanced.
15. Change your nighttime schedule of activities. If you usually stay up a hobby, try to reduce little by little. Not easy to do, but over time this will make you forget your hands and mind at night snack.
16. If you're used to snacking when stressed, now is the time for change. You have to focus on looking for other ways that are more healthy. Find a method of dealing with stress without involving food.
17. Write on a piece of paper labeled, "Close after dinner." Stick it on your refrigerator door and lock it.
18. Brush your teeth immediately after dinner to remind yourself that the meal is over.
19. Eat on time. And do not do anything else at the time of eating, such as reading, watching TV, or browsing the internet.
20. Walk 3 times around the floor of the mall before shopping.