Hard to lose Body weight?

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Already desperately dieting weight but never falls? It's good you recognize your body abolisme meth, so the situation was "miserable people do not take pleasure" is no longer upon yourself.

It is three months Fitr dieting. 165 cm plays the female body is indeed very fat, and he plans to lose weight up to a weight proportional. In the first month, weight-Fitr is down, but only up to 2 kg. After that, the needle on the scale no longer willing to move down. In fact, he was an all-out diet.

He was even willing to not eat at all throughout the day and night, except a few pieces of bread. According Riani Susanto D. CT, naturopathic, the difficulty of raising or lowering the weight could have occurred. Although the way berdietnya could be wrong, do not rush to accuse these factors as the cause. Because, there are other things to consider when going to attenuate or fatten the body.

Among other things, the body's metabolism. Metabolism is not always the same in everyone, because it is influenced genetic factors that contribute 15 percent, and diet. Some people have a fast metabolism system, some are slow. Why would someone running slow metabolism? According Riani, it can happen because of the aging process, because the metabolism can not resist this one.

Riani which also owns Healthy Choice restaurant and shop is an example, when a child fell and injured with his mother and grandmother, all three will undergo a different process of healing time. Little will heal faster than her mother, and her mother will heal faster than his grandmother. It could also be due to heredity, in which parents or previous generations have unhealthy eating patterns.

"For example, if the first parents to eat fried foods morning, noon and night and also the food is not healthy," said Riani. Thus, when the child had become a parent, he will also follow the pattern of her parents. For, this child during these parents feel successful when applying the pattern to him. Eating pattern that is repeated here's one that could lead to slow metabolism.


Unhealthy eating patterns can cause a person becomes obese, and obese people who automatically have a slow metabolism. Talking about the body's metabolism, according to Riani, means talking about what we are facing while eating. Actually, the body's metabolism can be arranged, depending on the food we choose to consume. People who keep eating properly since his youth, he added Riani, will have the body remain proportional when she gets older.

Although there are people who are "fussy" due to the food they consume should contain vegetables and various nutrients, but not a few people who eat a lot but do not know the benefits of the food for his body. "They eat home satisfied, regardless of nutrition. If there is no nutrient, food consumed will just be a poison in the body," said Riani.

In fact, the nutrients come in very useful for the body's trillions of cells to regenerate. Riani pointed out, when someone is eating 1300 calories, then exercise up to spend 500 calories, that means metabloisme body burn 500 calories. High body metabolism during exercise also burns oil consumed. However, people who eat foods low in calories and even zero-calorie, when exercising his body can not burn anything.

"While exercising half dead, what will be burned by the body's metabolism, if calorie intake does not exist? If so, losing weight is also difficult to achieve," explained Riani. Women who work as specialist detoxification is added, a zero calorie food is not exactly nutritious. Although actually, could have burned the body's metabolism of nutrients in the body. However, it will only make the body malnourished.

So, despite choosing food, choose a healthy body. Riani added, when one wants to lose weight, proper diet should be done. For people like this, he was advised to choose rice instead of bread. Therefore, the sugar content is higher than rice bread. Rice is also better than the noodles, because it is so basic ingredients of flour noodles high in calories and sugar, is higher than rice.


In addition, people who diet should also know the performance of his system, including fast or slow. The distance between the last meal and sleep time should also be noted that the body's metabolism can process food properly. "The distance actually used as a benchmark was that, instead of eating rules before seven in the evening. At a minimum, eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. It also depends what you eat."

If you eat vegetables, may sleep two hours afterward. However, if the meat is consumed, at least three hours to fall asleep afterward. Therefore, the light Riani, when sleeping your metabolism slows down 50 percent compared directly while awake. Moreover, the night the body's metabolism slows down. Uniquely, he said, the body's metabolism has working hours which is similar to the rotation of the sun.

In the morning, your metabolism will increase with the rising sun. "When the sun is overhead, your metabolism will work faster. So, if you want to eat a lot at 11.00, for example, go ahead. But as the sun began its descent, at around 14.00, metabolism also slows down. So, do not continue to be boosted food when it, "he explained.

On the other hand, the shape of the body also need to be considered when trying to diet. People who like a pear shape body (lower body is greater than the top) certainly can not use the diet of people apple-shaped body (upper body is greater than the bottom). The result certainly will not be achieved.
In the body itself, regulated by thyroid hormone metabolism. When thyroid hormone balance, your metabolism will run smoothly and body weight will also be proportional. "But, if someone has a body that grew fat, mean thyroid is not functioning perfectly. Supposedly, the body does not hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid) and hypothyroidism (thyroid deficiency)," explained Riani.


Is it true that her parents always meant to be fat? According Riani, actually there is no theory that says, when the get older people are always going to be fat. Why, then, after menopause and andropause, women and men often become obese? According Riani, this happens because of his youth, they did not keep his diet.

Although the new penuaannya will occur at the age of 50-60 years, according to Riani, should begin to be anticipated since a few years earlier. If not, then the aging will occur since the age of 40. Therefore, the food that enters the body is not enough to regenerate body cells. As a result, his body began to fatten at the age of the 40s, which should occur until the age of 60 years.

Despite the inevitable arrival of, aging can be slowed. When parents get older, consume foods that are healthy and keep exercising. Unfortunately, many people still even more daring to eat anything when he was getting older. "Maybe because it was not too much need to keep up appearances so. Tight clothes are not worn, life is more relaxed, and no longer looking for a partner," said Riani.